Childbirth Classes

At Gemini Birth Services we know the importance of quality education. We offer a variety of classes tailored to your needs and wants.

Childbirth Classes
At Gemini Birth Services we know the importance of quality education. We offer a variety of classes tailored to your needs and wants. We know the modern woman is looking for a more sophisticated class and that is what we provide.

First Time Laborers

This class meets once a week for approximately 2 hours. In our 6 weeks together you will learn about labor and birth, relaxation, comfort measures, birth plans, and much, much more; as well as getting off to a great start with breastfeeding if that is your desire. If your partner joins you, they will learn vital information and hands-on techniques to be able to help you during labor.



Whether you have already taken another class with a prior pregnancy or not, you have likely learned a few things with your older children. You are not new to labor, but perhaps you were hoping for information that may help you to have a different experience this time around. These refresher classes don’t go over as much of the anatomy and subjects that you may feel knowledgeable in already. This class focuses more on the comfort measures for labor, ways to prepare for recovering from birth, and how to add a new baby to your household with other kids. These classes will be offered in 6 week, 3 week, and weekend intensive options to better fit your busy schedule.

Grandparent Class

Just when you think people have been giving birth for centuries and nothing can change, you find out that is not true!  So many things have changed since I had my first child 20 years ago.  This class focuses on explaining to the grandparents to be what many of the different options that are bow available to expectant parents and maybe help them to understand why they may have made the decisions they have.  It is a fun, light-hearted one day class.  This class is also a great way for future grandparents to bond with each other on this new and exciting chapter of their lives!

Coming Soon:

We will soon be offering sibling training classes.

Areas served include anything within a 45 minute drive from Longmont.

My husband and I took classes with Heather. She is a wonderful teacher and has no agenda but to be informative and supportive. We feel very fortunate to have taken the course under her and highly recommend the experience to any couple considering it.

– Kelsey & Dan R.

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